Conventional and Organic Fruit and Vegetables
Integrity and Reliability
Paramount Export Company has been a leader in exporting quality fresh fruits and vegetables to a growing world since 1939. Retailers, importers, wholesalers, and distributors in more than 40 countries appreciate Paramount Export’s reliable service and attention to detail. Paramount Export works closely with growers and packers to maximize their returns and opportunities.
Quality Fresh & Organic Produce Selection
Paramount Export’s full-time USA field staff covers the primary export crops in California, Washington, Oregon, and Florida. Our professional sales and field staff team work together to find the finest conventional and organic produce selections that meet our customer’s specific quality, condition, and price requirements.

Global Sourcing
Paramount Export represents some of the finest growers in the USA, South America, Turkey, and New Zealand. In Chile and Turkey, we have our own representative offices. Our dedicated staff manages the selection of produce and logistics. Our global connections fuel our ability to import fresh products into the USA from both Chile and New Zealand, which has contributed to our substantial growth as a US Importer. Paramount has Global relationships around the world with suppliers dedicated to meeting our customers’ requirements. Our database of knowledge and contacts allows us to maintain a consistent supply for our customers year-round.
Air/Sea Shipments
Paramount Export is unique in having its own dedicated staff and facilities to inspect and load mixed shipments of produce. Our Vernon Office-Warehouse specializes in handling mixed loads of produce for airfreight and sea freight shipments; here we can carefully consolidate any size order for any market. Produce is carefully selected, inspected, and loaded by our own staff to help ensure the quality and execution of orders.
Innovative Retail Produce
Paramount Export has a wide variety of Marketing and Promotional Programs designed specifically for retailers. We offer Custom Packaging and Labeling for customized brand identities as well as Informational Brochures and Point Sale material to help educate consumers.
Paramount stands behind our top quality brands!
Paramount Export believes that only the highest quality produce should be shipped. Over the years Paramount has developed a reputation for shipping premium fruit and we have created several Paramount brands in order to differentiate our fruit from the rest.
Paramount Export is proud to pack Flamingo, Global, Golden Gate, Red Mountain, American Princess, and Gold Mountain labels.​ We are packing table grapes, apples, and citrus from California, Washington, Florida, South Africa, New Zealand, and South America on our own labels.​
Custom packing is readily available.